A RELAXING Sunday afternoon of soaking up some fine music lies ahead at a city centre pub.

Worcester promoters Not Just Sauce host their regular free Acoustic Lunch event at the Old Rectifying House, North Parade, on Sunday, June 27 and the line-up promises to be one not to miss.

The first act starts at about 1.30pm with the last leaving the stage at 5pm.

Malvern's great blues hope Matt Woosey will come armed with his unexpectedly powerful vocals and impressive guitar techniques that have seen him pick up coverage on the BBC, MTV and Sky News as well as travelling far and wide around Europe.

Singer-songwriter Sam Holmes comes offering a performing career of 15 years having been exposed to a wide range of music from an early age, citing Nick Drake, Joni Mitchell, Carole King and Amy McDonald as heroes and inspiration.

The Daisy Chain Quartet mix the exuberant spirit of English folk with a 21st Century sensibility.

With the aim of working hard, entertaining fans and having fun they combine acoustic guitar, vocals, cello and quirky beats to create a selection of sweet songs and ones to make you cry, chill-out or tap your toes.

15-year-old Tom Forbes is said to have a fresh vibe thanks to his use of a loops pedal to create his own unique style on the live stage.

St John’s team of musical siblings Done By Sunrise are also on the bill with their lively pop and hip-hip sounds and three-part harmonies.