DESPICABLE thieves have stolen items from a Worcestershire charity which had been destined to improve the lives of orphans in one of the poorest countries in the world.

The offenders broke into a storage container in Bishampton, near Evesham, used by the charity Orphans in the Wild, which supports those living in poverty in Tanzania.

Trustee of the charity Marion Gough said the generously donated items such as blankets and bars of soap are of little value to people in this country but are a lifeline to the young people they help in Africa.

She said: “The break-in is very upsetting as these items mean everything to children in Mufindi orphanage. Many people in the area have no money at all, live in mud houses that are falling down and if they don’t sell their own crops they have nothing to eat.

“There is no electricity or running water. To think people who could easily see that these items were for a charity, as everything is labelled, took what is of no use to them and deprived our villagers is despicable.”

Mrs Gough has been collecting items and equipment from the public and hospitals for two years and the 40- foot high storage container was almost full.

“I have spent hours and hours, frequently working until midnight to get these donated items packed and labelled. They have made a right mess of the place.

“They have taken items from the top and clambered all over the other boxes.

“I feel very cross, sad and upset. I hope that if the perpetrators have any conscience at all, they will return what they have taken.”

Orphans in the Wild’s work in Tanzania has been extensive. It has helped to improve hospital services, est-ablished an HIV/Aids treatment centre, schools and care teams, as well as create income generating projects.

The break-in is believed to have occurred on Saturday night.

Anyone who saw anything suspicious or has information relating to the theft should contact police by calling their non-emergency phone number 101.