WHEN Patricia Padian and her family bought their £280,000 house in Malvern they thought it came complete with views of the hills.

So they were horrified to arrive home one day to find their scenic views had been replaced by a two-and-a-half metre metal fence.

The family moved into their dream four-bedroom property in Hollybush Close,on the new Malvern Vale estate two years ago believing they were getting views out over Malvern and towards the hills. Mrs Padian claims she asked several times about the view when considering the house, and was assured she would look out over sports pitches and that there would be no fencing involved.

“I am absolutely livid,” she said. “We viewed this house four times and four times we were told there would be no fencing.

“I have a beautiful, glossy brochure showing what would be at the back of my house and now suddenly I have what can only be described as football stadium fencing right in front of my kitchen window.”

She said her next door neighbours also looked at her house and were told exactly same thing about its views.

But despite the assurances, plans for the fence were included when planning permission for the site was granted by Malvern Hills District Council in 2009.

Representatives from the council and Persimmon Homes have met Mrs Padian at her home to try to find a resolution.

Coun Tony Penn, portfolio holder for planning and housing, said: “One possible solution that we are discussing is for Persimmon Homes to enhance the landscaping by increasing the number of trees along the boundary so as to lessen the visual impact of the fence.

“We understand Mrs Padian’s concerns and we very much hope that we can help both parties to find a solution through our discussions, which are still ongoing.”

Richard Oldroyd, managing director at Persimmon Homes South Midlands, said: “Persimmon Homes acknowledges the resident’s concerns and is currently working with the local planning authority to establish a suitable solution.”