IF you’re thinking that this summer has been a bit of a washout then you’re not mistaken.

New statistics released by experts at MeteoGroup UK have revealed that this summer has been Britain’s wettest for 100 years and – pending figures from the final day of August yesterday – likely to have been the fourth or fifth wettest since records began in 1727.

Worcestershire has not escaped unscathed, with high profile events such as the Vale of Evesham Show and Welland Steam Rally falling victim to the downpours and attendances down at countless more where organisers have bravely battled on.

While for some it may be a case of too little, too late, the forecast looking forward makes for a more pleasing read.

Your Worcester News weatherman Paul Damari is predicting bright, dry, sunny days over the weekend, with temperatures reaching as high as 20c but dipping to a chilly 7c overnight.

Next week should bring more pleasant weather, with mist and patchy fog in the at night and during early morning giving way to fine days.