THE leader of Worcester City Council has defended Allah Ditta – and insists he will remain a Tory councillor, despite the furore.

Councillor Simon Geraghty has admitted the fellow Tory used “inappropriate language” in threatening to dig up a dead man’s body, but has refused to kick him out the party.

It comes amid calls for Coun Ditta to resign, with Worcester Labour Party saying his actions had “embarrassed” politicians and “brought the city into disrepute”.

Worcester Conservative Association has now had a meeting with Coun Ditta, who is a former city mayor, and said it was satisfied he was acting in a personal capacity, not as a politician.

Coun Geraghty said: “He was right to apologise as clearly the language used was inappropriate.

“I am satisfied he was acting as an individual in a personal capacity and I’m treating the incident as such.

“From a political point of view, he remains in the Conservative group.”

The family say they will spend the weekend filing a formal complaint to Worcester City Council over Coun Ditta’s behaviour, which will have to be examined in line with the council’s code of conduct.

Once the complaint is lodged, an independent assessor will have to decide whether or not it has to be referred to the council’s Standards Committee, which has powers to expel councillors.

But Coun Gregson said: “Coun Ditta not only lets his own community down but the whole city.

“He was given a position, as Mayor of Worcester, of responsibility and prestige, yet this episode shows clearly he is not a fit and proper person for it.”

He also said Coun Ditta has “brought the office of councillor into disrepute” and has called for him to resign.

  • Listen to the recording below. Warning: Bad language .