A MOTHER-of-three who cheated the benefit system out of more than £5,000 has been ordered to do 150 hours unpaid work.

Rachel Midani was given a 12-month community order at Worcester Crown Court after she admitted dishonestly failing to declare a change of circumstances.

Midani, aged 35, of University Cottage, Claines Lane, Worcester, was said to be repaying the money so Judge John Cavell decided not to impose £1,000 court costs.

Annabel Hamilton, for the Department of Works and Pensions, said Midani had claimed for income support, housing benefit and council tax between February 2009 and May 2010. But she had not disclosed that she was receiving income from an unnamed source. The total claimed was £5,367, but she had started to repay the money.

Jason Patel, defending, said that she had been in a relationship with an older man but it had broken down. She had no previous convictions and her risk of re-offending was low.

Judge Cavell said it was a tragedy to see a woman of good character in the dock but dishonesty involving the revenue was always serious. There was no evidence that she had been having a luxurious lifestyle.