POLICE have been cleared of any wrongdoing in connection with the death of a well-known Worcester football fan.

Colin Ranford, of Leabank Drive, Northwick, known as Colin the Singer, died in hospital from a head injury on April 13 last year following a number of hours in custody.

The matter was referred to the Independent Police Complaints Commission for investigation, the results of which were revealed after the conclusion of an inquest this week, where a jury ruled his death was accidental.

Mr Ranford was arrested on the evening of April 11 for being drunk and disorderly after members of the public reported him lying in the street in Ombersley Road, Worcester. He had been seen to fall backwards and hit his head prior to police attending and the 51-year-old had a small head wound.

He was examined by paramedics and, according to the report, he was told several times he needed to go to hospital, but refused.

He became aggressive towards ambulance staff, was arrested and taken into police custody.

On Mr Ranford’s arrival at Worcester police station, the custody sergeant carried out a risk assessment and he was placed in a cell designated for intoxicated people.

He was constantly monitored with 15-minute rousing checks and examined by a police doctor.

At 1.30am the following morning, a rousing check found Mr Ranford to be unresponsive and he was transferred by ambulance to Worcestershire Royal Hospital. He was later moved to Walsgrave Hospital in Coventry, where he died.

The IPCC investigation found police responded promptly to the incident and their decision to arrest Mr Ranford was proportionate and necessary.

An off-duty police constable who came across Mr Ranford before emergency services arrived “acted with professionalism”, and some concerned members of the public at the scene helped to alert the authorities. It deemed checks to have been carried out appropriately and soon after midnight a police doctor assessed Mr Ranford as being fit to remain detained.

The investigation concluded there was no evidence of any misconduct by any officers involved in the arrest and detention of Mr Ranford. As a result of the IPCC investigation, West Mercia Police have issued a reminder to custody staff on some points of good practice in dealing with people under the influence of alcohol.

Mr Ranford was a passionate fan of Worcester City Football Club and was well known on the terraces at St George’s Lane.

He was nicknamed Colin the Singer for often leading the crowd in song.