TWO members of staff from the Morgan Motor Company were among the first to sign up for the annual walk in the Malvern Hills to raise money for Cancer Research UK.

Caroline Gudgeon and Sarah Baldwin are now encouraging other local people to take part.

The annual walk, which is organised by the Malvern Local Committee for Cancer Research UK, is now in its 14th year.

Over the past 13 years, it has raised more than £85,000 and this year organisers are hoping to break the £100,000 milestone.

Ms Gudgeon said: “I lost my dad to cancer, and earlier this year we lost one of our work colleagues, Brian Marks, who worked at Morgan’s for eight years.

“Joining this sponsored walk seemed an appropriate way to remember those we have lost and do something positive.”

The walk will take place on Saturday, October 13, starting between 10am and 11am and offers a choice of a 3.6-mile or 11-mile route.

To register, visit or call Ray Worth on 01684 892772.