WORCESTERSHIRE pet food manufacturer Albion Meat Products celebrated its 30th year in business with a party for a few four-legged friends.

The company from Keytec 7 Business Park in Pershore, which produces natural meat products for dogs, was one of the pioneers of the biologically appropriate raw food diet in the UK as it was one of the first to recognise the potential in the bones and raw meat formula.

BARF, as the system is known, follows the principle of evolution that dogs are descended from wolves and other wild dogs and the dog’s digestive system has remained unchanged over the years.

The company was founded by Catherine Donegan, the daughter of Birmingham meat supplier Leslie Rock, who was also part of the original business.

He used to get requests from dog owners who wanted to feed their pets raw meat and bones and sold them ox cheeks, bones and sheep heads.

Catherine started the business by delivering products for dog owners from the back of her car. The business later moved its sales and delivery service to Pershore, where Catherine and husband Gary live.

To celebrate its anniversary, Albion is re-branding its range and developing new logos and packaging.