A MOBILE creche and out of school club, a company which produces innovative snacks and one that helps pupils with special educational needs to drive are the three winners of the 2013 Worcester News Business Accelerators competition.

The trio of exciting emerging enterprises was chosen by a panel of business experts from a short list of seven and all are now in line to receive a major boost to their progress.

The overall Worcester-shire winner, which now goes forward to compete at regional and possibly national level, is Citrus Kids Clubs Ltd of Droitwich Road, Claines, Worcester.

The company was founded by Alex and Becky Kear in May 2011 and is now converting to a social enterprise organisation.

The two runners-up are Meateors – Out of This World Snacks of London Road, Worcester, which was launched by Jabba Riaz in January 2011 to produce unique and innovative snacks, and HDAbility.com of Lansdowne Road, Wor-cester, a learn to drive company founded by Gary Gough and Marc Ford in February 2010 for pupils with special educational needs.

“It’s great news that we have won,” said Mr Kear.

“We are so pleased. Our mobile creche covers the whole of Worcestershire and can work in just about any location. “We also offer mobile play activities and provide children’s entertainment and baby sitting in your own home. We are currently converting to a Social Enterprise organisation, with the aim of providing our services across the social spectrum on a not for profit basis with the emphasis on partnership working and we would welcome advice and enquires from potential partners and trustees as we move forward. Winning the Business Accelerators competition will be a great help.”

The LBA competition is a Newspaper Society national initiative aimed at helping the best of emerging businesses to thrive. Chairman of the Worcestershire judges, Worcester News editor Peter John, said: “A particular feature of this year’s entries was the variety of fields they covered. This gave us a challenging task and much food for thought. All on the shortlist presented compelling cases, but we are confident Citrus Kids Clubs will prove to be a worthy winner and the business now goes on to represent Worcestershire in the Midland regional final. Congratulations also to Meateors and HDAbility and we hope they will benefit from the business advice they will now receive.”

Gary Gough, of HDAbility, said: “Both Marc and myself are delighted we are in the last three of the emerging businesses in Worcester-shire. “This award is very important to us. When we heard the news we were on our way back from an interview with Steph McGoven on BBC Breakfast representing our industry on behalf of the Driving Instructors Association. It made a great day for us even better.”

Jabba Riaz, of Meateors, added: “We have had our hitches along the way, which have delayed us and kicked us back, but the original fire of desire has never died and this is great news.”

Once again the LBA is being backed by Hereford-shire and Worcestershire Chamber of Commerce, which is offering free membership for the overall Worcestershire winner, plus support, advice and guidance. It is also being supported by Worcestershire Local Enterprise Partnership and leading regional law firm Harrison Clark, which will offer legal advice to all three winning companies through Rebecca Leask, senior associate in its corporate team.