HOUSING bosses got down and dirty when they went back to the shop floor this week as part of Customer Services Week. WM Housing Group, which includes Worcestershire’s Nexus Housing, joined in the initiative as part of the not-for-profit organisation’s on-going effort to continually improve customer satisfaction.

Matt Posaner and Pauline White were just two out of more than 30 senior members of staff at the affordable housing provider, based in Wainwright Road, Worcester, who took part in the exercise. They spent the day working with the estates team, removing items from empty homes, cleaning graffiti and picking up rubbish.

Mr Posaner, director of org-anisational change, said: “I care passionately about the service that we provide our customers, but in my job I spend the majority of my time in offices. “We conduct regular estate walkabouts, but in my role I haven’t taken part in that, so it’s been an eye-opening experience to work with people on the front line. “It was brought home to me just how committed and hard-working the people are in our estates services team. “Their approach was summed up to me when one team member explained to me that their job was all about people and how we can make their life better.”

However, Mr Posaner said learning the physical dem-ands of the job had taken its toll on him. “They must also have a lot of energy, because I’ve got to admit that after a day of phy-sical activity I am exhausted,” he said.

“The most surprising thing that I found today was what some people leave behind when they move home. Everything from babies’ dummies to pot plants.”

Nexus Housing is a not-for-profit housing organisation that owns and manages more than 2,800 homes across Worcestershire and Herefordshire. Latest figures show that Nexus Housing has a 79 per cent satisfaction rate with its service. Bosses are now hoping to use the experience from Customer Services Week to increase the rating.