A WORCESTER butcher shop is celebrating after getting top marks in a health inspection.

H Dayus Family Butchers, in St John's, Worcester, is the only butchers in the city so far to receive a five-star rating in Worcester City Council's scores-on-the-doors scheme, which rates businesses on their management and cleanliness. Proud of their achievement, staff are keen to show customers what happens behind the scenes.

Shop manager Tristan Meier wants to produce step-by-step photographs of how the shop makes its award-winning produce. "When people come in the shop they can't see the back rooms where we prepare everything," said Mr Meier.

"With photographs we'll be able to show people the sausage-making process, show them that we do make our own produce and it's all done in store. We're really proud of the five-star rating and we've got a nice certificate to prove it."

Scores-on-the-doors allows members of the public to see the individual results of food hygiene inspections carried out by the city's environmental health team.

Each business is rated for its management, including the quality of staff training, quality of suppliers and pest control contracts, hygiene, including cleanliness of surfaces, handwashing, separation of raw and cooked foods, and structure, including the quality of actual facilities.

The establishment is then given an overall star rating. For results go to www.scores onthedoors.org.uk.