MORE companies are coming on board to back the Worcester News 100 in 100 apprentices campaign.

Those with green-fingered aspirations can seize the chance of seven apprenticeships in horticulture being offered by Sanctuary Hous-ing in Castle Street, Worces-ter. It manages homes across England and Scotland, providing general rented, sheltered and home ownership accommodation.

Those hoping to be a cut above can benefit from two hairdressing apprenticeships at Sunrise Hair and Beauty, Monarch Drive, St John’s, Worcester.

And if the hospitality sector is more your style then Richard Redfern Catering, Worcester, is offering one apprenticeship.

Meanwhile, estate agent Nigel Poole and Hancox, of Port Street, Evesham, is offering an apprenticeship in residential sales.

And Worcestershire PCT, which holds the purse strings to county healthcare, is offering two apprenticehips in advanced health and social care to add to the 20 apprenticeships it already has up for grabs.