RESIDENTS may have noticed a 50ft sheep fleece drawing at the South Meadow at Avon Meadows, but how did it get there?

This land art drawing was made using fleece from the sheep that graze on the Avon Meadows, donated by the local farmer.

The sheep fleece was hand-rolled into individual balls of fleece and laid over several days. The form it takes was not pre-designed but made through the process of observing and sensing the meadows and its wildlife, the river and trees, then laying the fleece down piece by piece.

The drawing will be left to disintegrate naturally and will disappear into the grass as it grows until the hay is cut when the area around the drawing will be planted with wildflower seed.

This work forms part of the Beauty and Utility Project that aims to engage the community, reflect the seasons and capture the changing environmental conditions and biodiversity of Avon Meadows Community Wetlands.

The Beauty & Utility project is a new partnership with the Floodplain Meadows Partnership hosted by the Open University School of Environment, Earth and Ecosystem Sciences.