SIR – Has it become open season on vegans?

We have been compared with Nazis in the Worcester News letters page (October 30).

The Malvern tourist information centre offered us a display widow for Christmas and then removed half our display posters after only one complaint.

Now James Connell is having a rant about vegans in his Fair Point column (Worcester News, January 22).

For the record I am not a townie vegan. Until recently I lived on a smallholding in a very rural area for 40 years.

So I am quite knowledgeable about the goings on in the countryside.

However, unlike Mr Connell, I will never get used to seeing sheep and lambs die, particularly when on many occasions their deaths are due to neglect.

Also my pastimes don’t include blowing up animal testing labs.

With all this hatred and discrimination towards vegans I can only assume that some people don’t like the fact that veganism is becoming a mainstream lifestyle.

