SIR – Carl Mason of the British National Party seems to be singing from the same hymn sheet as the Tories and Liberals by blaming Labour for the credit crunch (Worcester News, February 13).

In fact, the credit crunch would have happened whichever government had been in power.

It was everyone’s fault: e People borrowing too much on their credit cards.

  • Conservative and Labour councils pushing up council tax.
  •  Banks behaving badly by awarding themselves big bonuses with other people’s money.

The actual credit crunch was imported from America and it does appear that the banks haven’t learnt any lessons and are still awarding themselves big bonuses.

This practice should be banned.

As for the other points raised by Mr Mason: e How much money has the British National Party put in to bulk-buy foodstuffs for the hungry?

  •  The wars in Afghanistan and Iran have made Britain a safer place.
  •  This present government is actually making a much bigger mess of the economy than Labour.

Ifeel sure if the British National Party were to get into power they would make one gigantic mess.

