SIR – Letter writer A R Barton (Worcester News, June 17) believes it is not possible to make a horse do anything it doesn’t want to do.

Has A R Barton never heard of whips, spurs and harsh bits used on horses?

Having worked around horses most of my life I can assure you that it is indeed possible to force horses to do things we want them to do.

I see plenty of use of the whip at race meetings.

As for horses continuing to race after their rider has been thrown, I think you will find it has more to do with a horse being a herd animal – they will always follow each other because of the herd instinct, not that they enjoy the race as much as the spectators.

I have seen racehorses that didn’t make the grade on the track sold at sales, often going to second rate riding schools/trekking centres or to private owners who don’t have the knowledge to deal with thoroughbreds.

These horses quite often go cheaply at sales. So many of these animals lead a miserable life simply because they couldn’t make the grade.

I don’t think it should be down to the fact that crowds of people are enjoying themselves at a day’s racing.

It should surely be a question of no animal suffering for our enjoyment.