SIR – Re your article titled ‘Are things looking up on the gull front?’ (Worcester News, June 27). Who are they trying to kid? Yes, in the city centre that may be true, but not in Blackpole. Here, the population of gulls is rapidly increasing. Since the opening of KFC in the Elgar retail park, the presence of gulls has spiralled markedly .

They are attracted to the fast-food leftovers discarded on the retail car park by a number of selfish KFC customers.

The Blackpole industrial estate is now completely infested with gulls living on the roofs of industrial units.

From my recent observations I am now pretty certain that gulls are nesting on roofs of the retail park.

It seems quite plain to me that the gulls eradicated from the town centre have migrated to my neck of the woods. They now exist in a gull heaven – plenty of fastfood litter to feed on from KFC and McDonald’s and even better, no tourist attractions in Blackpole, so they can carry on breeding here in the knowledge that the council will do nothing about them.

Blackpole residents living near to the two retail parks have suffered as our enjoyment of this area is slowly eroded by the presence of these gulls.

The local footpath and verges are strewn with fastfood litter (I know it is rounded up, but not until after the gulls have fought over it).

Gulls are constantly swooping down to binge on these fast-food leftovers.

Their presence is very intimidating, especially if you are dining alfresco.

As a taxpaying resident of Worcester I do feel extremely short-changed as no action seems to be taken to eradicate the gulls now residing in Blackpole.

Perhaps the council could get the old MEB headquarters building listed as an iconic piece of 60s architecture, then Blackpole could be included as a tourist area.

MATT BROWN Worcester