SIR – Having failed to offer any hard evidence, during recent exchanges on the Worcester News letter page, in support of his clearly emotion-based views about trade unions, John Shearon is now (Worcester News, June 27) reduced, sadly, to disjointed inarticulacy and meaningless cliche.

A couple of examples: “I do know [that] the unions had a hand in losing [Longbridge].”

What on earth can this mean? Is he completely ignorant of the disgraced and corrupt capitalist owner/managers who finally ran it into the ground?

Secondly, like Mr Shearon, I, too, remember the winter of discontent.

That is why I have already pointed out (Worcester News, May 15) that the populist right-wing tabloids of the time deliberately and selfconfessedly grossly distorted events therein in order to bring Labour-supporting Mr Shearon's heroine Margaret Thatcher to power (I refrain from comment on this bizarre contradiction).

He makes points about the manufacture of cars and motorbikes in Redditch, Dagenham, Longbridge and India which demonstrate only too clearly that he has no understanding whatsoever of how globalised capital works, via globalised markets, in search of untouchable, untaxed, global profit.

Does he really want all of us to be forced into a race to the bottom which would put the very future of homosapiens into grave danger?