SIR – Re Kevin Drinkwater’s letter that “the number of immigrants coming into this country seem to have priority in the housing market”

(Worcester News, August 9) and letter writer N Taylor’s comment that the Government is “preferentially housing foreigners instead of our own” (Worcester News, August 13).

The Green Party MEP Keith Taylor wrote last April that “according to David Aaronovitch, of The Times, only 11 per cent of new migrants have been allocated social housing, compared with 17 per cent of UK-born residents living in this sector.

With nine out of 10 new migrants not moving into social housing, governments can’t seriously blame immigration for our housing crisis.”

As Mr [Keith] Taylor also writes, the country is indeed facing a crisis, but it’s not an immigration crisis: “The vast majority of people living here, whether they were born in the UK or elsewhere, are paying the price for a crisis which they had no part in causing.

“Wages are stagnating, benefits are being cut and enough houses aren’t being built.

“It’s time to... refocus our anger on the financial system which caused the crisis and the cuts consensus in Westminster that is only making things worse.”


Worcester Green Party