SIR – The attempts by Joy Squires to criticise the current government’s economic record (Worcester News, August 23) actually show how poorly equipped Labour is to do anything about it.

She provided a long list of negative statistics but said nothing to indicate that she has any understanding of how we got here, and what Labour would do to improve things.

She overlooked Labour’s role in creating many of the problems she is complaining about.

Through neglect of manufacturing, over-reliance on the City, mass immigration and the growth of welfare dependency, Labour fundamentally undermined the economy.

Under Labour, manufacturing lost two million jobs, and encouraged mass immigration, allowing a virtually limitless supply of cheap labour competing for the jobs that were left, and driving down wages.

Small wonder that the number of households where no one had ever worked doubled under Labour.

Their policies failed the country, and most specifically, they failed British working people. The Tories are making plenty of mistakes of their own, but it is not surprising Labour are so widely mistrusted on the economy.

The party has lost credibility with the very people it is supposed to represent and seems to have learnt nothing from its mistakes.

