SIR – If Mark Starr is going to give us “facts” about EU immigrants (Letters, October 15), perhaps he would, in future, give us the full picture, rather than the carefully-edited list which he uses in support of his prejudices and wild assertions.

The EU Commission’s report which alluded to 612,000 non-active (absolutely not, Mr Starr, “unemployed” in any sense that most people would understand) includes groups such as children and students.

Moreover, the non-active proportion of the EU immigrant population in the UK, at 30 per cent, is substantially lower than that for UK citizens (43 per cent).

In fact, EU nationals pay more in tax and NI contributions than they receive in benefits.

According to this data and all other evidence, we – including our welfare system – are actually better off the more EU nationals we have working in our country!

David Barlow
