SIR –Re: Neil Morris should consider his position.

Can I ask Tim Palmer if any of his children attend Christopher Whitehead Language College, or does he work there? I think the answer to both of these questions is no.

I, on the other, do have a child at the school in year 7.

In fact he is the second of my children to attend CWLC, my eldest now being 18.

Why did I choose this school again? Well because it is an outstanding school that provides an excellent level of education, and does so in a safe, positive and supportive environment.

Yes, Mr Morris is vocal in his opinions but I do not think this indicates any lack of ability on his part. Nor does it detract in any way from my perception of the standards at this school.

It heartens me that the headteacher is willing to speak out because he is passionate about his school and in ensuring his pupils are given a fair chance.

Contrary to Tim Palmer’s opinion St John’s already has a school and a headteacher committed to the best education that can be provided within the limited means current government funding allows.

Why else would 17 of the teachers working there send their own children to the school?

Clearly they have faith in the standard of education it provides too.

Maybe Tim should go away and read the Ofsted reports rather than shooting his mouth off without doing his research.

The people of St John’s (and further afield) can be proud of their school.

Helen Plenty
