SIR –Regarding the article: Group sows seeds of ‘farm in the city’ (December 4) I read with some trepidation re: the Worcester Volunteer Centre, and their concept of setting up a city farm.

Although the idea of working with the disadvantaged is wonderful, I’m not sure how the city farm would be a boon to them.

However, giving the benefit of doubt, I still have many concerns about the journey this city farm will take.

􀁥 The farm would need to be readily accessible to the city to allow for visits by the disadvantaged, yet far enough away so as not to annoy neighbours with farm smells and noises and general commotion.

􀁥 Secondly, with so many animals and rescue centres already struggling with the burden of taking in unwanted farmed and domestic animals, why would WVC be adding more to the mix?

Would it be possible for them to liaise with one of the local animal rescue centres or RSPCA and perhaps take some of those animals to care for?

􀁥 Thirdly, irrespective of where the animals come from, will there be someone at the farm day and night to monitor them and if not how will the safety of these animals be secured?

I have often read news stories of animals in zoos, rescue centres and farms where intruders have mutilated, killed or otherwise harmed animals who were left unguarded and even in some cases where they were monitored by security. This has happened and this will be a double concern if the proposed farm is closely accessible to the city.

􀁥 Will there be breeding to ensure a steady stream of young ‘cute’ animals which most of the public seem keen to see, yet again running the risk of rescues having to pick up the pieces?

􀁥 Will the animals be sold on, or slaughtered when they have matured? Surely this would not be helpful in engaging the disadvantaged.

􀁥 The keeping of any farmed animal is a lot of work and if they are looked after properly veterinary care is paramount – this is a great expense that needs to be considered.

I’m sure there are other important aspects to be considered... but wonder if enough thought has been given – keeping animals is not just a matter of a bit of fencing – I sincerely hope that all aspects of this have been well thought out, as it will be the animals that will suffer should things go wrong.