Sir - GB Dipper's latest (2.7.'14) is quite the most breathtaking ever. To a worrying degree, the man seems long on self-delusion and short on self-awareness.

It simply will not do to make a series of totally unfounded statements in the hope that his running away from any attempt at rational, evidence-based, discussion will be obscured. Briefly, and in contrast to his weird claims, the record shows that:

* Unlike Mr. Dipper, I have never, ever, written pro-actively, but only in reaction to others' unfounded, non fact-based opinions

* Thus I do not express "political opinions" (and, therefore, do not "expect" agreement with them)

* I'm pretty sure that my writing style cannot be described as "ramblings"

* I do not understand "wow factor", so cannot be accused of its pursuit

* I do not write "articles"

The straightforward potted history is that Mr. Dipper has been challenged to come up with facts to support his own all-too-clear political position and has failed abysmally so to do, even to the extent of pure invention and, apparently, drawing random numbers from who-knows-where.

In contrast, I have rigorously quoted data and sources; and we can only conclude that Mr. Dipper finds this to be so peculiar that he will not engage with it.

David Barlow
