SIR - I was greatly saddened to read the letter by Paul Rose (February 24) and to learn of the continuing troubles in Sri Lanka. During my service in the Royal Navy I spent some years in Ceylon, as it was then known, and came to appreciate this charming island and its lovely people.

Being shore-based in a locally-staffed hospital, I came to know and befriend many, Sinhalese, Tamils and Burghers. We all worked well together and it was difficult to understand the deep-seated differences between them.

We were a colonial power and resented as such but even so, it seemed apparent that without our presence great disharmony would result. Eventually, I was moved to a more conventional naval unit, where I was unfortunately the victim of an arson.

Back home in Worcester, I met a gentleman who obviously hailed from the island. His name, like many, was of Portuguese origins. Inadvertently, I caused him great offence by addressing him in Sinhalese when he happened to be Tamil.

John Hinton, Worcester.