SIR - May I say a big thank you not only to the editor for printing my letter about the launch of the Royal Naval Electrical Branch Association last year, but to the readers as well. The response has been nothing less than fantastic.

We have had ex-Royal Navy electricians coming out of the woodwork seeking their old shipmates and with some wonderful stories ranging from the involvement in the Korean War, Suez and the Gulf to name some of the conflicts, to the time that HMS Bermuda went to Bermuda and they all enjoyed a few days fun and jollity.

An unexpected line of help came from the readers who had relations abroad who were ex Royal Navy electricians; consequently we have members who live in the US, Australia and Spain as a result of the Worcester News being sent to them with my letter highlighted.

The highlight of any association is the annual reunion and our first has now been booked for Bournemouth, so if there are any ex Royal Navy electricians among the readers who wonder how their old shipmates are and what mischief they are up to these days, drop me a line and tell me when you served and, if you can remember it, your service number. A couple of stamps will help association funds, or, drop me an e-mail to

Mike Crowe, 7 Heath Road, Lake, Sandown, Isle of Wight, PO36 8PG.