SIR - Why can't the Highways Agency see what is blatantly obvious to ordinary motorists? Let's take the couple of miles from Bewdley to Kidderminster.

They have wasted thousands of pounds tinkering with the Catchem's End junction over the years, when all it has required is a roundabout.

Likewise, at the safari park junction where we still have the lethal situation of traffic turning right into the park from Bewdley, crossing the path of those turning right from the park, in the middle of the lane where traffic from Kidderminster is accelerating on to the dual-carriageway.

Next we come to the junction with Sutton Park Road, where a mini-roundabout would alleviate the queues here because the traffic would only have to give way to the right.

Then we arrive at the long queues to the lights at the bottom of Bewdley Hill.

If right turns were forbidden here, motorists could go through the lights, then turn left and left again around the triangle.

At last, credit is due for the clear lane-markings and pioneering filter lane at the Proud Cross Ringway junction.

However, a low kerb needs to be installed under the solid white line that marks this lane to deter those who illegally cross into it.

Is this really progress or part of a wider plan to making driving intolerable?