SIR - An article (Worcester News, August 20) refers to Worcester Community Housing hosting an open day at Chelmsford Court, Ronkswood, inviting retirement age people in Worcester to take a look at being accommodated in sheltered housing.

Obviously people who are elderly should consider living in Chelmsford Court, Rowan Court or Himbleton House.

However, one of the services "currently" on offer is "a daily two course subsidised lunch at the three very sheltered complexes."

Let me state, without hesitation, I have always found all staff to be very kind and supportive during nearly 18 years I have lived in Rowan Court.

I am now 88 years of age. Also WCH, since taking over, has been very fair and their staff always very considerate.

However the word "currently" is extremely significant. Worcestershire County Council is withdrawing a £50,000 subsidy from the daily mid-day meals service as from January 1, 2008. As a result we are all in a state of uncertainty regarding the meals referred to. Elderly and infirm people are being worried when they should not be.

This action by our elected representatives on Worcestershire County Council is not only futile and petty minded, it is also damnable and disgraceful.

D E MARGRETT, Worcester.