SIR - I was saddened to read the letter from Coun David Candler (April 21) detailing how Coun Margaret Layland has voted in council over the past year.

What does Mr Candler hope to achieve by writing this letter about a fellow councillor?

I am sure that it has not escaped notice that Mrs Layland is an Independent and is at liberty to vote for who she chooses irrespective of party pressure.

Is there anything wrong with that?

Why is the Labour Party continually sniping at both Coun Mike and Margaret Layland via this letters page?

I can understand why, for the majority of issues, the Laylands opt to vote with the Tories if you, Coun Candler, are representative of the local Labour Party.

Have you never heard of the book How to win friends and influence people'?

I suggest that you obtain a copy, read it and stop carping.

Peter Burgess, Worcester.