SIR - May I draw your attention to an idea which occurred to me recently while watching a wildlife programme.

I believe that the crux of our present yob problem is that these animals are out of place in our towns and cities. They need rounding up and placing in a more suitable environment, and who better to perform this task than regionally-appointed teams of yob-catchers? The teams could form the basis of a new cutting-edge project called the YR Scheme (Yob Relocation Scheme).

In earlier times, transportation of undesirables to Australia was the answer, but sadly this is no longer an option. Consequently all captured jobs (and there will be many truck-loads) are taken to a large pre-designated area such as Dartmoor or Cannock Chase where they are untied and released into the wild. This is preferably without coats or trainers and in the middle of a blinding rainstorm.

JAMES GIBSON, Worcester.