SIR - I would like to address Jack Amos's letter (Worcester News, April 22).

He completely missed my point about the social changes that are occurring in St John's.

Another social change to his "seer" vision of the future involves students staying in Worcester.

I welcome this - but if 10 per cent of 2,000 students per year decide to stay and live here, how many extra homes will be needed to accommodate them? I bet they won't be built in Hallow.

I received a letter from Councillor Richard Udall about the university funding a parking study.

It is part of what is known as a Section 106 agreement, of which part is to tackle parking around the St John's campus.

Would this happen if there was no problem?

Mr Amos, I am not against the university at all. I wish the students would integrate but that would be expecting a lot from teenagers.

Living near to this growing centre of excellence is a bit like having a migrant population arriving every three years and then moving on to be replaced by another population who have to learn that they are living in an existing society that mirrors their - and their parents' - values.