SIR – We are full of admiration for the achievements of Rosemary Henman in helping to raise £3,000 to help restore the sight of the little boy from the Gambia.

Many of us do not have the first-hand experience of being able to visit these countries. It is so easy, when we are so engrossed in our own situations at home, to forget the plight of those less fortunate children living in poverty in developing countries. So often it is a case of out-ofsight- out-of-mind!

There are 2.2 billion children in the world – one billion of whom live in poverty.

Poverty is not just about lack of money but lack of options, fighting each day for basic things such as adequate food (every year six million children die from malnutrition), medical care (every 30 seconds a child in Africa dies from Malaria), safe water (3,900 children die each day because they lack access to safe drinking water and good sanitation) and housing.

How can we help?

Compassion UK is a Christian child development ministry that sponsors children.

If any readers would like to know more about the work that Compassion undertakes and how as individuals, families or social groups can help sponsor a child then please contact us, log onto or come along to a local meeting to be held at St Paul’s Church, Worcester on Saturday, October 25.



Tel: 01905 779904
