SIR – At the 17th annual meeting of Worcestershire Lifestyles at the Gatehouse, Foregate, Worcester, the chairman Leslie Bishop gave a comprehensive review of the activities.

Some 30 plus attendees approved the formal report to March 31, 2008, stating that it was financed by donations and lottery grants supplemented by direct sales from the shops – and they run a very tight ship.

As I understand it the objectives of Lifestyles is to put meaning and purpose and self respect into the lives of those less fortunate than ourselves. With the exception of the blind, they cater for all other disabled people.

Lifestyles is a splendid example of community work which would welcome support and publicity.

Commercial organisations, business in general can often help at no cost to themselves, individuals can donate that most valued thing a few hours of their time. It’s all so worthwhile.


Bromsgrove Council.