SIR – The latest planning application from the Upton surgery will be of concern to many townspeople.

Planning applicants are applying to set aside condition 10 of the planning permission rules saying that this building be used for “medical purposes only.” This was put in place by planners to protect the interests of nearby shops and businesses in line with planning policy objectives, which state that a major development must not adversely affect any shops or businesses in the vicinity.

It is perhaps not unexpected that this application should appear.

It was evident looking at the plans that there was surplus space in this utilitarian building. The Department of Health lays down guidelines for how many square feet are needed for a doctor, how many for a nurse and the cost. Rent reimbursement is paid to the practice by the primary care trust in recognition of this. Any space over and above this will not be publicly funded.

It is part of planners’ duties to ensure that a proposed development is constructed to a size according to need rather than whim. They clearly failed in that duty.

Raiding private revenue through the use of function rooms would be in direct competition with rooms already available in the town. It is to be hoped that planners will remain firm on this one and leave this very important condition in place.

WENDY HANDS, Upton-upon-Severn.