SIR – Clive Smith calls for “the whole story” about UKIP (Letters, June 16) but he would do better to devote his energy and thought to the major problems facing Malvern Link rather than wasting his time in repeating the misleading media-generated nonsense about the earnings of UKIP party leader Nigel Farage, who has in fact received no more in his two five-year terms as an MEP than any other Lib-Dem, Conservative or Labour member during the same period of time.

It could be argued that they all are given far too much, with a huge annual £219,000 allowance to cover establishing and running an office, staff, and all the travel expenses involved on top of the £80,000 salary they receive.

As regards the UKIP member convicted of fraud – to put the record straight, this was four years ago and he was thrown out of the party a year before this as soon as his deception was discovered.

Contrast this prompt action with the delaying tactics recently of the other main UK political parties in allowing their guilty MPs to remain in office until the next general election.

I would like to thank all those who voted for me in the county council election – you didn’t manage to get me elected, but it seems I was able to make a substantial number of people think hard and change their previous allegiance.

Derek Baddeley,
UKIP county council candidate for Malvern Link division.