SIR – I write in response to D E Margrett’s letter published Wednesday, June 17. I object to his use of the words ‘puerile nonsense’ because my letter and concerns are far from puerile nonsense.

The fact that falcons are nesting in city centres indicates that they are over protected and have spread out from their natural habitat of rock faces and crevices because of their increased numbers.

I do abhor the fact that ‘primary life from kill not out of necessity but for pleasure’ so why doesn’t the RSPB move to ban pheasant shooting by many people including the Royal family?

I continue to feed the garden birds all year round but have stopped donating to the RSPB until they redress the natural balance of the falcon population compared to other birds.

Perhaps D E Margrett would respond with his view on pheasant and game shooting?

Callow End.