SIR – May I thank all those who voted green in the recent European elections. 88,244 people voted green in the West Midlands, which is 16,000 more votes than we received at the previous European election. Green votes across the UK went up by 44 per cent, electing two green MEPs. The party was frustratingly close to gaining seats in so many regions, not least the north west where the greens were just a mere 5,000 votes behind Nick Griffin of the BNP. In the UK, the greens made the most progress of the biggest six parties at the European elections in terms of increase in vote share, and across Europe the green group was the only group to increase its number of seats despite there being fewer seats in Parliament this time.

Debate about most policies and issues was largely wiped off the agenda by stories of sleaze in Westminster, which dominated the headlines and discouraged many from voting at all.

But society’s problems won’t go away any time soon with the policies of the Labour, Conservatives and Lib Dems.


Green Party.