SIR – I am amazed at the amount of people that think it is acceptable to light garden bonfires on hot sunny days when people want to enjoy being outdoors and have their doors and windows open.

Bonfire smoke by its very nature drifts, so even if you light it as far away from other dwellings as possible it almost certainly will affect someone.

I do not see why anyone needs to have bonfires; there is adequate rubbish collection by the council and garden rubbish can be composted, shredded or taken to the tip. The majority of households manage perfectly well without the need to resort to bonfires.

We have the smoking ban in public places which is upheld. We do not expect to be kippered by walking out into our gardens!

Also, we are all encouraged to be more environmentally aware – bonfires produce tangible pollution.

And, drying washing outside is better for the planet than tumble drying, but we do not want our laundry full of smoke either.

So, to all those out there who feel the need to light fires – think again. Consider the planet and your neighbours, and if you really must, save it until November 5th!

C Waldren,