SIR – A resident of Worcester all my life and of St John’s for 20 years, I have never been so appalled at the lack of respect and sheer noise pollution created by the new intake at the University of Worcester in recent weeks.

Since the new intake arrived in September it has been the most unruly, noisy, drunken group ever. The line of students coming from Tesco Express and Co-Op every night with bags clanking with bottles and cans of booze only shows what their intentions are. Not a can of beans in sight.

Monday night is usually a quiet night and a drink (even I remember this being young once). But no, we are tormented with singing (in a fashion), a competition of who has got the loudest stereo and just loud shouting of obscenities between the halls of residence.

The reason is apparently the poor students have not had their funding approved and so cannot go into town! They must remain on campus and drink the cheap booze they bought in the supermarkets until their funding arrives – then they hit town and give us residents a night’s peace – until 2am at least!

Student life should be fun. I wholeheartedly agree. But not cause misery for local hard working residents who have to go out each day and pay a mortgage to live.

Can we not get a happy medium. Every night is not a Saturday night surely, even for students.

Nick Tongue