SIR – A trip to Warrington, up the M5 and M6, proved to be extremely maddening.

Setting my cruise control to 69mph (or 110-112, if you prefer) I was very annoyed to find almost everything sailing past me. I thought there were speed cameras and un-marked police cars on these motorways – and that the limit was 70mph.

Apart from the lorries, I was the only one doing the legal limit. I hope they all receive a speeding ticket and hefty fine!

Also, people don’t understand that we drive on left in this country – 60mph down the centre lane, with an empty left lane, is selfish, dangerous and ignorant.

Flashing your lights has no effect – they are oblivious to the queue behind them, forced to legally squeeze past in the outside lane. Some pass on the inside, which is illegal, but road rage has kicked in by then.

Throughout the four sets of road works, each at least five miles long, I counted four men actually working on the road.

Either do the work, or open the road, but stop messing us about.

Stanley D Parr,