SIR - Following Unison's strike action last week, I called my local council office to find out when the rubbish in my area would be collected.

I was informed that it would not be until next week. I am sure that I am not the only council taxpayer who finds this completely unsatisfactory. We pay a lot of money to the council for a certain level of service.

This service was not supplied. If my company treated its customers in this fashion, not only would we lose customers, but the staff involved would most likely be replaced.

We certainly wouldn't expect our customers to pay for us to have a free day off. I feel a rebate on our council tax is in order, but doubt it will happen.

These people seem to be above answering to normal consumer rights. In fact, the person I spoke to seemed to find it very funny that I expected to get what I have paid for.

I realise that nothing will ever be done to compensate the public for this, but felt I had to voice my disgust that we have to bear the brunt of their issues with their employer.

