SIR – Luke Gregg (Letters May 8) clearly wishes to distance himself from his previous attacks on hunting.

His correspondence has contained unfounded allegations, muddled history and inaccurate figures. His failure to understand sound animal welfare, conservation and appreciate the complexities the countryside has also been very apparent. My style of debate can be robust and I apologise to Mr Gregg if I have offended him.

A good number of high profile anti-hunting MPs, including Michael Foster, lost their seats at the general election. Their obsession with this single issue clearly annoyed the vast majority of ordinary people.

Wasting huge amounts of public time and taxpayers’ money on the Hunting Act only endeared them to a tiny minority in the animal rights fraternity.

The results of the ban are a clearly discredited law, greatly reduced animal welfare and we should not forgot those politicians now on the lookout for work.

Jon Burgess

EDITOR’S NOTE: This correspondence is now closed