SIR - Having previously acknowledged the plight of pensioners and what they get from Coun Paul Denham's government, could I also say that in 1971, pensioners over 80 were awarded an additional allowance of 25p a week on top of the state pension in recognition of the additional costs of living that accompany getting older. Today, in 2006, the age allowance is still 25p per week.

From the Department of Works and Pensions' own figures, 22 per cent of pensioner couples aged 80 and over live below the poverty line. And 20 per cent of single women and 10 per cent of single men aged 80 and over also live below the poverty line. Studies show the oldest are also the poorest, and poverty is related to health issues. Coun Denham trumpeted his government's understanding for our elderly but why didn't he mention any statistics?

