SIR - Our MPs periodically have a free vote on whether or not to reinstate capital punishment. On each occasion so far, the majority vote has been no because some people convicted of murder in the past were later proved to be innocent and because hanging is barbaric. These reasons are no longer valid. DNA technology makes such mistakes virtually impossible and humane lethal injections are readily available.

Several thousand people are killed on our roads each year. A small number of people die because of mistakes by surgeons/doctors and a few people have wrongly been killed by armed policemen. All these people were innocent but MPs have never recommended that all road vehicles and surgeons/doctors be banned nor that our police forces be disarmed.

I favour the reinstatement of the death penalty for all cases of premeditated murder. This covers terrorists, armed robbers, drug dealers and the killing of police men/women.

Finally, I remind all MPs who supported Mr Blair's decision to invade Iraq, that more than 100 innocent British soldiers have been killed in an unnecessary war. In view of the above, the word hypocrisy springs to mind.

