SIR – I am grateful to your correspondent M P Taggart (Worcester News, Letters, May 31) for raising the issue of Kidderminster’s lost A&E department.

Of course the re-opening of this much missed service remains a long term aim but in the shorter term, considering the stresses on the other acute hospitals in the county, more easily implementable improvements at Kidderminster Hospital should be made now to lessen the load on Worcester and Redditch.

These include: enhancing emergency services at the Kidderminster minor injuries unit by increasing integration with the Worcester A&E by, for example, nursing and medical staff rotations between the units and using the facilities at Kidderminster Hospital for inpatient and day-case elective surgery to the full for patients from all over the county. It makes no sense to leave these facilities, that are not adversely affected by emergency admissions, underused as they are at present.

MP for Wyre Forest