SIR – Child poverty in the UK is at 3.9 million with 1.6 million living in severe poverty (the highest in the world’s leading economies).

Successive governments have failed to address this.

The Labour government managed to reduce the figure by 600,000 but it appears it is again on the rise.

Surely any government’s highest priority should be to help children escape from this chain of desperation?

It is generally agreed that education is a very important component of the solution.

Education minister Michael Gove has quietly been moving forward with farreaching reforms.

Labour introduced academies to address failing schools in deprived areas.

This policy is being reversed and the most successful schools are being encouraged to apply.

Academies can set their own admission policies and they receive money for support services that would otherwise be held by the local authority.

There is also the £430 pupil premium for disadvantaged children.

The fact is schools will be free to spend the money as they wish with no guarantee that it will reach the children who are supposed to benefit.
