SIR – How utterly predictable that Tory councillor Francis Lankester should, in his attempt to distort recent economic history, again ignore factual data and use unattributed and out-ofcontext throwaway comments from ‘civil servants’ (Worcester News, June 21).

In September 2007 – the month that Northern Rock collapsed – George Osborne pledged to match Labour’s spending plans during his first three years as Chancellor.

How can this possibly now stand with the wholly opportunistic (and plain wrong) claim that Labour ruined the economy?

Nor did the Tories challenge Labour’s pre-crash revenue estimates.

Actually, both the Tories and Labour were fooled by the brittle (and unregulated) buoyancy of the British economy The Tories’ public sector borrowing has been higher in every single month since last year’s election, than in the corresponding month under Labour during the year before; and growth forecasts (which also means tax revenue forecasts) are downgraded routinely.

What does Coun Lankester have to say to that (and could he please at least try to stick to a proper evidence base)?
