SIR – Ninety per cent of fish caught at sea are dumped.

Who can remember when eating fish and chips was not a luxury, but a poor man’s meal? Not any more.

Eating fish and chips out of paper is still as English as it comes, but due to low levels of fish in our seas, it is not the cheap option anymore.

The other problem is the barmy EU rules, which state that any fish caught over a fisherman’s limited quota have to be dumped overboard.

Thus, good cod, haddock and other edible species are simply being thrown back over when they could end up on people’s plates.

More than 700,000 people have already signed the petition to ban the discards rule.

This is simply another barmy Brussels law, which we must adhere to because we’re part of the EU.

Low fish supplies only push up the price of the meal which is passed on to you.
