SIR – Re Will Richards’ letter ‘Law- abiding majority must be given a voice’ (Worcester News, August 19).

The last thing politicians want is to give voice to the majority.

The reality is our country is finished.

We saw that in our recent riots and student protests.

Such is the contempt for our country, and its politicians, the young saw an opportunity to put the boot in and did so with a vengeance.

Had the palace of Westminster been burnt down wouldn’t millions have cheered?

As regards the media, it is there to make money; not represent its readers.

We don’t see editorial columns opposing more housing, immigration, Europe, or opposing the steady diminution of our ancient rights, especially the rights of jury members to reject Parliament’s laws.

And you stand no chance of seeing public opinion being reflected by the hideously Europhile and politically correct BBC.

We live in a dictatorship.

The State has made itself the final arbiter of the law; hitherto it was the people who had the final say over Parliament’s laws.

That is no longer possible with the steady and constitutionally unlawful removal of juries.

The State can increasingly do what it likes, and that explains the steady Europeanization of our nation, regardless of the wishes of our people, and the increasing powerlessness of the law- abiding majority.
